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Steam ofrece la oportunidad de ganar TODOS sus juegos

Si tienen cuenta en Steam, esto les va a interesar mucho…

Steam está organizando un concurso con uno de los mejores premios que he oído jamás: TODOS los juegos disponibles en Steam!

Como dice en su página:

The Steam Holiday Sale is on now through Sunday, January 1, 2012. In addition to huge savings throughout the store, the 2011 sale features two special promotions that allow you to win like never before.

The Great Gift Pile challenges gamers to complete up to six objectives each day. Completion of each objective grants the chance to win a free game or discount coupons for select games available on Steam. If you don’t win, no worries, you’ll be given a piece of coal. But hold onto that coal!


Coal is the ticket to enter the Epic Holiday Giveaway. It’s called Epic because the top prize is every game on Steam. The more coal you have, the better your chance of winning. Players may alternatively choose to magically mix their coal into something shiny and new by “crafting” seven pieces into a gift from the Great Gift Pile. So this year receiving coal is a good thing.

La letra pequeña del concurso aquí. Vean las reglas aquí.

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